Scott & Jackie Wilmot

We help companies & non-profits keep their finances organized.

Integrity Numbers provides bookkeeping and payroll services to small companies and nonprofits. Our services are designed to empower small business and nonprofits with the ability to focus on growing their business and mission, not on the day-to-day numbers.

After careers in the military, for-profit, and non-profit industries, we have a passion for helping small businesses and non-profits grow and thrive. Jackie is spouse of a veteran  and has traveled all over the world. She has 30 years experience in bookkeeping , banking, office administration and leadership in both the nonprofit and for profit worlds.  She has a passion for detail and always makes clients feel like individuals and not an account number.

After 22 years of service Scott retiring from the military, Scott went on to have a career in the non-profit industry managing programs and projects. He has served in numerous administrative, Information Technology  and leadership positions across a 35 year working career in the retail, government and nonprofit sectors.  He is very analytical and enjoys teaching and training clients so they can make the most out of their business bookkeeping systems.

We are passionate about applying our skills in administration, organization, and communication to always provide you with a clear picture of your business’s finances enabling you to make strategic business decisions.

When we are not working, we are spending time with our daughters and sons-in-law and our 7 grandchildren. We love a good barbecue and spending time in the water.